Looking at the Border Patrol SE DAC, you have to smile. It’s cute! Can you even say that about at kick-ass piece of audio gear? Maybe it’s disrespectful. Too bad — because everybody knows that good things come in small packages. To be fair, good things come in big packages too. The common denominator is “packages” and I sure like packages. Sometimes, I’ll order something silly (like a pack of pens) from Amazon just so a package will come. Because when packages come, every day is Christmas. Sigh. I have issues.
But getting back to small packages. Have you ever taken the lid off of a piece of audio equipment and discovered that the guts running the whole damn thing is floating in a sea of empty space? Take an iMac for example — the actual “computer” part is something like 1/5 the size of the monitor, and easily gets lost behind it. That feels weird for some reason. Like that bag of chips at the quickie-mart. The bags sure aren’t getting any smaller, but if the chip-to-air ratio gets any farther out of whack, Amazon could use them to pad a shipping box.
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